Emergency Management

Emergency Management Staff

The Emergency Management Division functions with the DPS Shared Core Values and the Denver Plan in mind while working to ensure students and staff collaborate in a safe educational environment. Colorado Senate Bills 08-181 and 11-173 establish the need for school districts to adopt a school response framework for emergencies, and the ability to work and communicate with local and state emergency personnel. DPS Board of Education Policies ECA -Safety and Security and KDE-Emergency Management represent the District’s commitment to student, staff, and visitor safety.

Denver Public Schools (DPS) is a national leader among school districts for emergency preparedness. In working with students and their families on emergency preparedness procedures and policies, the Division is deepening engagement within the community. Working with local and state emergency response personnel helps leverage the partnerships with the City and County of Denver in pursuit of the Denver Public Schools vision.

Need Help?

24/7 Communications Center - 720-423-3911

Contact Us

Kip Sixbery
Email Kip Sixbery

EM Specialists

Bernard (Logan) Loganathan
Emergency Management Specialist
Email Logan Loganathan

Blanca Ruiz
Emergency Management Specialist
Email Blanca Ruiz

Jharri Stanford
Emergency Management Specialist
Email Jharri Stanford

Zach Fanshier
Emergency Management Specialist
Email Zach Fanshier


Kellie Riley
Digital Prevention Specialist
Email Kellie Riley