Standard Response Protocol
DPS Climate and Safety has adopted the I Love You Guys Foundations' Standard Response Protocol (SRP). The SRP has five urgent and emergency protocols that help guide students, staff and visitors to the safest option during an urgent or emergency event. These protocols include lockdown, secure, hold, evacuate and shelter.
Lockdown procedures are followed when there is a potential threat or hazard inside of the school building. The protocol is locking the doors, turning the lights off and getting out of sight until the situation is alleviated. Lockdowns can be initiated by the Department of Climate and Safety as well as the school when the duress button is activated.
The secure protocol is initiated when there is a potential threat or hazard outside of the building, but nearby. This event could be police activity in the area or a potentially dangerous animal in the neighborhood. When this protocol is activated, doors remain locked and no one is permitted to enter or leave the building. Instruction and school business can continue inside the building.
Evacuate:Evacuation procedures are followed when there is a need to move building occupants from the building. This could be due to a fire or other emergency that deems being outside and away from the building the safest option. In some circumstances off site evacuation may be the best route to safety and the Department of Climate and Safety will utilize their evacuation and reunification procedures to support getting all students and staff evacuated safely as well as home.
Shelter:In the case of extreme weather or airborne irritants, the shelter protocol should be initiated. This protocol is announced by the school administration or designee. When initiated, the shelter procedures should be followed.
The hold protocol is used at the school level to provide some additional time and space for a situation happening within the building. During the hold protocol, the students and staff stay in the room they are in, even if the class is over. Situations that would result in hold would include a medical emergency or an altercation taking place in the hallway.
Drills of each Standard Response Protocol are conducted by each school on a regular basis. This ensures that all building occupants, including students and staff, are prepared in the case of an emergency or urgent situation.